Mirror Images - Identifying Two Numbers

Concept Explanation

Mirror Images - Identifying Two Numbers

An image of an object, plan, person, etc., as it would appear if viewed in a mirror, with right and left reversed.



Example 1 : What is the mirror image of .

(a)                    (b)                      (c)                 (d)   

Answer :  (b)

Explanation : In the given question, the mirror image of the  is .

Example 2 : What is the mirror image  of  .

(a)                   (b)             (c)                 (d)

Answer : (b)

Explanation : In the given question, the mirror image of the is  .

Example 3 : What is the mirror image of .

(a)              (b)            (c)            (d)  

Explanation : In the given question, the mirror image of the is .

Example 4 : What is the mirror image of .

(a)            (b)         (c)               (d)  

Answer : (b)

Explanation : In the given question, the mirror image of the is .


Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

Identify the mirror image of and respectively.


Right Option : B
View Explanation
Question : 2

Identify the mirror image of   ,  . and respectively.


Right Option : B
View Explanation
Question : 3

Identify the mirror image of and respectively.


Right Option : A
View Explanation

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